El congreso de Muestreo y Reconciliación, que se llevará a cabo el 16 y 17 de octubre de 2025 en en Sol de Oro Hotel & Suites I Auditorio, tiene como objetivo principal mejorar las buenas prácticas en muestreo de minerales y reconciliación minera, dando a conocer hallazgos de reconocidos profesionales a nivel mundial y casos de éxitos de importantes empresas mineras a nivel mundial.

Although the mining industry is increasingly concerned about good sampling practices, it is not prepared to face three difficulties: the first is the theoretical level, as there is little knowledge about sampling theory; the second is the practical level, as professionals do not know how much, where and how to extract samples; and the third is the economic level, which is the feasibility of the project.

Due to this major problem, International Metallurgical Consultants (InterMet) is pleased to organize this event that involves two important topics: Sampling and Reconciliation. Both topics in the same event where you can share experiences and learn from the research of world class consultants and mining companies that are doing the right thing, generating a lot of value to their companies.

As mentioned before, the event will be attended by world-class experts; who, together with professionals from geology, mines, QA/QC concentrator plants, research centers and suppliers, will discuss fundamental and technological aspects, share implementation experiences along with best practices in the area.

The meeting includes technical presentations, keynote lectures, panel discussions and a series of activities that will allow for first class networking, which will be attended mainly by mining professionals and decision makers in their operations and projects at the Peruvian and international level.

Sean bienvenidos a este gran encuentro de MUESTREO-RECONCILIACIÓN 2025.






check Sampling Theory

check Best sampling practices

check Sample preparation and analysis

check Efficiency and development of sampling equipment

check Sampling and geostatistics

check Sampling for feasibility studies

check Sampling for ore reserve estimation

check Sampling for exploration and grade control

check Sampling in open pit and subway mining

check Sampling in mineral processing and process control 

check Trace element sampling

check Precious metal sampling

check The nugget effect in situ

check Chronostatistics

check Environmental sampling

check Quality assurance and quality control (QA-QC)

check Metallurgical accounting

check Development of national and international standards

check Sampling, QA-QC and reconciliation 

check Mine-to-plant reconciliation

check Reactive reconciliation vs. proactive reconciliation

check Reconciliation factors vs. reconciliation relationships

check Causes of reconciliation problems

check Code of reconciliation practices

check Case studies

check Future technologies


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