
Hybrid Format: Presential and Virtual

check We will have the participation of world-class experts, who, together with those responsible for the Concentrator Plants, Research Center and Top Suppliers, will discuss fundamental and technological aspects, will share operating experiences and best practices in Flotation.


Por qué Participar:​

check Presence of decision-makers and those responsible for mining operations and projects.

check Enables effective interaction between the different business stakeholders: mining, top suppliers, academy, world experts, governmental authorities.

check InterMet lectures feature major technical-commercial exhibits and attractive networking activities at reasonable investments.


Eng. Hyder Mamani
Superintendente de Metalurgia - Gran Minería PRESIDENTE FLOTACIÓN 2025
Eng. Alfonso Muñoz
Process Plant Manager MINERA CHINALCO
Eng. Ruben Zevallos
Gerente De Planta Sulfuros MARCOBRE


In-Process Materials

check Minerals in flotation (Sulfide and gangue mineralogy)

check Air in flotation

check Water in flotation, tailing water recovery strategy

check Flotation reactives (collectors, frothers, modifiers, activators, lime, CMC)

Machinery & Equipment

check Grinding and regrinding for liberation (SAG and Ball Mills) 

check Remilling of intermediate flotation products

check Rougher bulk flotation tailings regrinding

check Foam regrinding (IsaMill, Verti Mill, SMD)

check pH control

check Cyclones and classification

check Conditioners

check Rougher flotation cells

check Cleaning cells

check Pulp level controllers

check Large volume cells

check Pneumatic Cells

Control Strategy

check On-line chemical law analyzer, calibration strategy 

check On-Line Particle Size Analyzer, Calibration Strategy

check Expert in primary and secondary grinding

check Cyclone nest sorting expert (sensors)

check Video cameras and flotation control

check Automatic reagent dosing strategy

check Metallurgical research with experimental design

check Optical and scanning microscopy for flotation

check Statistics for data management in flotation process control

Human Resources and Research

check Training 

check Safety systems

check Environmental monitoring

check Modeling, simulation and testing

check Plant Optimization

check Best Practices in Plants


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